While it is true to say that it is more expensive to visit some countries than others, there are always cheap ways to get around, and relatively inexpensive places to stay. But then there are places you will only visit if you are a millionaire, purely because of the cost. These include islands, private retreats, hotels in various parts of the world, and even the possibility of soaring to Mars.
#11 Soori Estate, Bali

It’s not a private island, but for those staying at the Soori Estate’s 10-bedroomed mansion it might feel as if it is. Opened in 2013, the palatial 5,250 square meter house features amazing outdoor areas, including a 230-square meter infinity pool, a giant-sized wood and concrete deck, and a luxuriant landscaped garden. There is also a large gym and a gorgeous spa. The largest villa on the island, it offers all the privileges of the best hotels in the world, including 24-hour room service, a private butler, and constant access to a chauffer-driven car. It also has its own grass helipad, which visiting millionaires certainly appreciate since it offers additional privacy when they come and go.